

SimpliML utilizes API keys for authentication. Retrieve your API key from the designated page to incorporate it into your requests.

Keep in mind that your API key is confidential! Refrain from sharing it or exposing it in any client-side code, be it in browsers or applications. For production requests, channel them through your backend server, where the API key can be securely loaded from an environment variable or key management service.

Personal Account

Ensure every API request incorporates your API key in an Authorization HTTP header, adhering to the following format:

   curl \
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer $SIMPLIML_API_KEY' \
   -d '{"....."}'

Team Account

If users are part of multiple workspaces, they can include a header to designate the workspace used in an API request. Utilization from such API requests will be attributed to the specified organization.

   curl \
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer $SIMPLIML_API_KEY' \
   -H 'X-Team-Id: $Your_Team_ID' \
   -d '{"....."}'