Workspace Account

Workspace Account

Upon registration with SimpliML, you're granted an individual Workspace by default for running and deploying personal applications. However, for collaborative deployment and interaction with others, you have the option to establish or join additional Workspace.

Create Workspace

In Settings, you can access the team option and create a new workspace


Invite Users

You can invite users to workspace within your domain & organization


Workspaces have three different levels of access privileges:

  • Admin
  • Developer
  • User

Admin Role

Full control over the account, ideal for administrators.


  • Complete access to all account features and settings.
  • Manage billing and access billing information.
  • Create, Edit & Delect acess to all resources
  • Modify account settings and user permissions.
  • Full control over all account resources and users.

Developer role

Enhanced privileges suitable for development tasks.


  • All "Basic" role permissions.
  • Create, Edit & Delect acess to all resources
  • No access to billing information and Workspace Settings.

User role

Limited access, primarily for account usage and API connections.


  • Use the account.
  • Only limited View access with Inference access
  • Restricted from viewing billing information.
  • No Create, Edit & Delect access