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Contact US

Despite your best efforts in troubleshooting, and our rigorous testing, there might be instances where you encounter an unresolved issue. Reach out to the SimpliML team below, and we will aim to assist you promptly:

To expedite the resolution of your issue accurately, kindly provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • Description of the Issue: Include any error messages you observe and describe the behavior you're encountering, outlining how it deviates from your expectations.
  • Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Clearly outline steps for us to replicate the issue on our end.
  • Code Samples: If feasible, share relevant code snippets causing the error. Ensure any sensitive data is removed before sharing.
  • Request and Response Data: If applicable, include the request you're making and the response you're receiving. Redact any sensitive data.
  • Screenshots or Screen Recordings: Visuals aid in quicker issue comprehension. Include screenshots or screen recordings if possible.
  • Environment Details: Share specifics about your environment. For example, the programming language or library in use, its version, and whether the issue is present in all environments (development, production, etc.).